Listing and submission of your company

You can start the listing 2 ways:

  • by pressing the button Become a partner on the top menu
  • or from your account: Member profile page → tab Company → press the big square Company +

Fill in all the fields.
Note: As soon as you save the company it is not published yet. But you can see and edit the Company page further:

  1. Upload the company logo
  2. You can see the status if your company:
    • Draft - means that you created the company but didn’t send your listing for approval
    • On approval - means that we have your company and checking it
    • Published - you have your Company page published on our website
  3. When you are sure that your company data is presented correctly send it for approval and we will publish it shortly or come back to you with the questions
    Note: Your company would not be visible in the catalogues before you add any services or solutions
  4. You may add solutions to your company by pressing Submit new solution and going through the solution submission process. Or add existing solution if you submit them before from your personal account.
  5. You can also add services, if your company provides any
  6. Add your company members, if they have accounts on Partner Directory portal
  7. You can promote your services or solutions within our Developer Eco System.
  8. Edit your company data
  9. Delete the company profile